
 Cyrano was fantastic. I have never thought of one particular actor as standing out above all others. That is no longer the case. Every other actor is Salieri to Peter Dinklage's Mozart. The emotions he is able to convey using just his facial expressions is astounding. And everyone in the movie is spectacular in their role. Is the choreography perhaps a bit too much, pulling you out of the story occasionally? Yes, but this movie has so much heart. And if you are looking for a movie to make you feel , look no further.

Christian Worldview of History

A historian with a Christian worldview analyses history to the best of their ability, working to the utmost to perform their tasks well. Ephesians 5:8 (New Living Translation) says, "For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!" As Christians we need to make sure our actions at work reflect our Christian principles. We need to be as objective as possible, and always aware of our own biases. Humans cannot pretend to know with any certainty what God's plans entail. Augustine said that "the judgements of God are all the more inscrutable, and His ways past finding out." [1] Dr. Smith pointed out that while God is in control of human history, but we cannot see that control. [2] It is important to me to be taken seriously in my work. If I were to cherry pick events from history to serve an agenda of my own, I would not expect my work to be respected. Dr. Samuel Smith said that being honest and ethi